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Our Programs
There is always a busy hum of activity in a Montessori Classroom because the use of the materials involves many motions: walking, carrying, pouring, speaking, and particularly, the constant use of the hands.
All activities, however, is guided by respect. Respect for the teacher, respect for the other children and respect for the environment and the materials. Dr. Montessori felt that young children learn by doing, and that they acquire self discipline by learning to concentrate on meaningful work. Montessori’s aim was to help the unfolding of life, to understand the needs of the child, to draw out from each individual all of which they are capable, and to develop the potentialities locked within each child.
Educators and psychologists today realize the importance of the first few years of a child’s life. It is upon the foundations laid there that the patterns for the child’s entire future will be established. Maria Montessori understood this concept and how it could be applied to the benefit of children.
To help meet our families’ needs, St. Mark’s Montessori School offers Before and After Care 7:30 a.m. – 5:45 p.m. in a program consistent with the Montessori philosophy. Before and After Care is available on a contractual basis for children enrolled in our school.
School Hours
1/2 Day Program : Monday through Friday 8:20 am – 12:00 noon.
Full Day Program: Monday through Friday 8:20 am- 3:00 pm
Before and After Care Program: Monday through Friday 7:30am-8:20am; 3:00 pm-5:45 pm.
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